Inner Speaks

"Be Curious. Expect Miracles." *

Inner Speaks offers two services...

1. ReUnion

The ReUnion Process is an effortless integrative technology which allows your 'inner' (the blueprint of your existence)  to speak. It reveals the story of your current challenges and facilitates change.                                                       

ReUnion shifts energetic patterns (ancestral, past life and collectives), and brings to light hidden beliefs and unresolved traumas.  Through the ReUnion process, concerns around relationships, careers, self-sabotage, physical ailments and exhaustion may be cleared. It also works well with animals.

2. Spiritual Resourcing

Spiritual resourcing includes three things:

1. Spiritual Coaching – coaching involves supporting clients with articulating and living their sacred objectives. It facilitates their acknowledgement of alternative possibilities accessible to them and does so without judgment.

2.  Resource Matching – matching involves connecting clients with compatible spirit-development tools, for example: contemplative practice, movement, somatic therapies, hypnotherapy, quantum healing, etc.

3. Instructional Design – design involves tailoring a spiritual development curriculum for individual clients.



* A Hathor Planetary Message  through Tom Kenyon